Early Help – TAF, Reducing Parental Conflict and Parenting Programme

Training for professionals
Team Around the Family (TAF) training
TAF training has been designed to upskill practitioners who support children and families. This training has been adapted to incorporate the new ways of working when supporting children and families virtually. The TAF training will explore which tools to use when completing referrals and assessments, planning a TAF meeting and the expectations of a Lead professional.
What will be taught
• Understanding the TAF approach
• What tools to use to assess and make referrals for families
• Online tools to support the TAF meeting process
• Identify steps to undertake before, during and after a TAF meeting.
• The role of the lead professional/agency.

Audience (who is this training aimed at)
All practitioners who support children and families
2.5 hours
please email Yvonne.Kwokori@enfield.gov.uk, to book onto the training.
Reducing Parental Conflict Training
Course overview

Reducing Parental Conflict Programme has been designed to upskill professionals in supporting parents to reduce conflict within their relationship, whether they are together or separated and in turn improve outcomes for their children.

What will be taught/ Virtual Modules

Module 1: Understanding the parental conflict evidence-base Providing practitioners with the knowledge to underpin practice, this introductory workshop explores the evidence base and the impact of parental conflict on outcomes for children.

Module 2: Identify and discuss parental conflict with parents Focusing on the causes of parental conflict, this workshop equips practitioners with the skills to work with parents to identify and explore relationship conflict.

Module 3: Working with parents in conflict This skills-based workshop introduces a series of tools that can be used to work with parents, encouraging behaviour change and promoting positive communication.

Module 4: The role of supervisors, managers and practitioners in managing people to address parental conflict Aimed at supervisors and managers, this workshop focuses on the importance of recognising parental conflict, with an aim to develop the skills to coach and support practitioners.

Each e- learning module takes approximately 45 minutes to complete and the e-learning can be repeated or revisited as often as you like.
Please email Yvonne.Kwokori@enfield.gov.uk to book onto the training

Referral and Contact Process

Please use referral or contact details below.
Email: Earlyhelp@enfield.gov.uk
Telephone: 0208 379 2002
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